New product launch Haitai Solar presents a variety of new module products at SNEC

No.1 0BB products

Haitai Solar launches N-type busbar-free half-cell photovoltaic modules. The 0BB technology route eliminates the main grid of photovoltaic cells, reduces consumption in the production process, and uses copper welding strips to replace the original main grid to derive current in the module process, with a smaller shading area. 0BB products use high-efficiency TOPCon cells to increase energy density and bring higher output power; high bifaciality, additional power generation gain can reach 25%.

No.2 Flexible module

In order to expand a wider range of application scenarios, Hitech New Energy has launched flexible photovoltaic modules. Ultra-thin, ultra-light, anti-bending, and anti-strong impact, flexible modules with their lightweight and frameless design characteristics can adapt to various complex shapes and installation environments, especially load-sensitive scenarios. Flexible module products use TOPCon batteries. While achieving flexibility and lightness and portability, flexible modules have a high energy conversion rate and bring better economic benefits.


No.3 BIPV sound barrier module

BIPV sound barrier is an innovative application form that combines photovoltaic modules with highway sound insulation screens. The new sound barrier products launched by Haitai Solar use solar energy to generate electricity while blocking car noise. The electricity generated can be incorporated into the power grid or provide clean electricity for street lights and other related facilities through the supporting energy storage system. The sound barrier product adopts a unique cell sorting design, which is easy to install based on the short frame design, improves bending ability, and is more adaptable to the sound barrier installation environment.

The advantages of BIPV sound barrier lie not only in its power generation function, but also in its integration with buildings. It can replace traditional sound insulation materials, reduce the use of building materials, and reduce costs. At the same time, it can provide buildings with beautiful appearance, bringing new solutions to the fields of urban transportation and construction.



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