Authoritative Certification | SNEC Haitai Xinneng showcases high-quality strength

On June 14, the SNEC entered its second day, and Haitai Solar PV modules once again received authoritative certification!


With its excellent quality performance, Hitech New Energy was awarded the TÜV SÜD and TÜV NORD certificates, which once again proved the reliability and high quality of Haitai Solar’s products.


In the morning, Haitai Solar held a TÜV SÜD TMP laboratory qualification certification ceremony at the booth. Luo Xinlian, senior manager of product services and smart energy technology certification officer of TÜV SÜD, presented the certificate to Haitai Solar. Li Jiwei, chief technology officer of Haitai Solar, came on stage to accept the certificate, demonstrating  Haitai Solar ‘s strong product quality control capabilities and professional testing capabilities of the laboratory.

In the afternoon, Miao Cunxing, General Manager of TÜV NORD China Photovoltaic Region, issued the IEC61215:2021&IEC61730:2023 new standard certificates to Haitai Solar. Witnessed by many peers and media,Haitai Solar’s quality journey has taken another step forward.

As a smart manufacturer of green energy, Haitai Solar has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of new energy. The Haitai-Taiji 2.0 and Haitai-Taihe 2.0 modules produced by it can be applied to all scenarios of household, industrial and commercial distributed and ground power stations, and become a reliable backing for the safe and stable operation of power stations. At the same time, Haitai Solar has advanced photovoltaic cell module manufacturing production lines and testing instruments, and has established a complete quality management system. The authoritative certification of TÜV SÜD and TÜV NORD proves Haitai Solar’s strict quality control capabilities from raw materials to product offline.

In the future, Haitai Solar will continue to maintain the advantages of high power, high yield, low attenuation, low hot spots, and low hidden cracks of its products, firmly follow the path of “quality casting value”, and promote the high-quality development of new energy with high quality.


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